"It started at one thirty on a cold Tuesday morning in January when Martin Turner, street performer and, in his own words, apprentice gigolo, tripped over a body in front of the West Portico of St Paul's at Covent Garden.".
Normally I don't judge a book on its first line. My way of finding out whether a book is interesting is to find a random page and read it - if I am I intrigued enough to find out what happens next (and sometimes what happened before) I either buy the book or take it out of the library. So this challenge was a bit tricky, as I found a lot of books can have very boring first lines. This book has been on my reading list for a long time, but I'd forgotten all about it until I spotted it at my local library. I took it off the shelf, did my random page test and took it home with me. A few days later I remembered about this challenge and I looked at the first line. I liked the writing style of it so I thought it would be a perfect fit for this challenge. The book itself was pretty good, I might give the follow ups a chance too although I do find the main character a bit annoying at times.
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