In a letter to John Adams, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "I cannot live without books," and we understand how he felt. Books have been our best friends ever since we can remember and we're going to celebrate our love for them with this 'reading challenge.' The aim is to tick one book off every month!

Although our lives have taken us in different directions, this challenge, and this blog, is also a way for us to celebrate our friendship as well as our love of reading.

This blog is really just for fun and each entry will explain how the 'book of the month' fits into the category, why we made our choices, and include some comments/thoughts on each book.

Let the challenge commence!!

Donna and Ida

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Challenge 21: A book with a great first line

Ida's book: "Rivers of London" by Ben Aaronovitch (Gollanz, 2011)

"It started at one thirty on a cold Tuesday morning in January when Martin Turner, street performer and, in his own words, apprentice gigolo, tripped over a body in front of the West Portico of St Paul's at Covent Garden.".

Normally I don't judge a book on its first line. My way of finding out whether a book is interesting is to find a random page and read it - if I am I intrigued enough to find out what happens next (and sometimes what happened before) I either buy the book or take it out of the library. So this challenge was a bit tricky, as I found a lot of books can have very boring first lines. This book has been on my reading list for a long time, but I'd forgotten all about it until I spotted it at my local library. I took it off the shelf, did my random page test and took it home with me. A few days later I remembered about this challenge and I looked at the first line. I liked the writing style of it so I thought it would be a perfect fit for this challenge. The book itself was pretty good, I might give the follow ups a chance too although I do find the main character a bit annoying at times. 

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