In a letter to John Adams, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "I cannot live without books," and we understand how he felt. Books have been our best friends ever since we can remember and we're going to celebrate our love for them with this 'reading challenge.' The aim is to tick one book off every month!

Although our lives have taken us in different directions, this challenge, and this blog, is also a way for us to celebrate our friendship as well as our love of reading.

This blog is really just for fun and each entry will explain how the 'book of the month' fits into the category, why we made our choices, and include some comments/thoughts on each book.

Let the challenge commence!!

Donna and Ida

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Challenge 5: A Book Published This Year

Ida's book: "Destination Thailand (The Lonely Hearts Travel Club, Book 1)" by Katy Colins (Carina, 2016)

This proved to be rather a tricky challenge, and I ended up buying an ebook from the iBooks thingy on my iPad, mostly because I didn't fancy spending a lot of money on a newly published hardback book that I might not like, but also because it was easy and I didn't have to go into town (I can be so very lazy). 
I chose this one because it seems like a fairly standard 'chick-lit' book, in the same genre as Bridget Jones which I absolutely loved when the films came out, and which I have since analysed to death in my studies. I therefore begin this book with a mix of feelings: joy because it will be an easy read and provide some escape from the winter chill, and trepidation because I'm pretty sure I'll be annoyed at some point due to post-feminism and all that... so yeah, let's see what happens!


So this book was pretty much exactly as I had anticipated: young woman who thinks herself ugly (but is standardly attractive according to the description) is dumped a week before her wedding and decides to go backpacking to find herself... yeah. Most of the time I was annoyed by the amount of stupid/silly things that were happening, not so much because they were unrealistic, but because I saw them coming a mile off - SPOILERS - that guy that's really into you? Yeah, he's after your money, surprise!

Anyway, the last 50 pages or so were pretty decent so it was a nice ending/setting up the main character for the next two books in the series. 

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