In a letter to John Adams, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "I cannot live without books," and we understand how he felt. Books have been our best friends ever since we can remember and we're going to celebrate our love for them with this 'reading challenge.' The aim is to tick one book off every month!

Although our lives have taken us in different directions, this challenge, and this blog, is also a way for us to celebrate our friendship as well as our love of reading.

This blog is really just for fun and each entry will explain how the 'book of the month' fits into the category, why we made our choices, and include some comments/thoughts on each book.

Let the challenge commence!!

Donna and Ida

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Challenge 7: A Book By An Author You Love

Donna's Book: "The Road to Little Dribbling" by Bill Bryson (Transworld Publishers, 2015)

It wasn't hard for me to pick a book for this challenge.  I've always loved Bill Bryson's books and I've got about three that I haven't read so this challenge is the ideal opportunity to finally getting aroud to reading at least one of them!  I have to confess that I've already read the first few pages, and I laughed out loud at every single one of them.  I'm really looking forward to the next month!


Because of the annual madness-that-is-end-of-year-marking, I had a feeling that I'd get a bit behind with the reading challenge, but that just means that I had longer to be entertained by Bill Bryson.  I'd post my favourite quotes from the book here, but that would mean that I'd had to type out virtually the whole book!  (And besides the time that would take, there is a teensy problem with copyright infringement if I do that.)  Suffice to say that I laughed out loud at virtually every page.  Mr Bryson has not lost his keen observational skills, or his comic touch in describing what he's seen and done.  This is brilliant from start to finish.  Do yourself a favour.  Read this book!!